You may be wondering what options you have for health insurance coverage — and whether your budget can handle them.
Open Enrollment (Nov. 1 – Jan. 15) is here! You can purchase 2022 health insurance regardless of your life situation. We're happy to help you sort out the key facts!
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted in 2010 to make health insurance available to every American and is still in effect. Key highlights:
Insurers cannot:
An ACA-compliant health care plan should cover these basics:
Mylo is an independent broker who only guides you to plans that are ACA compliant—in a fast, friendly, easy-to-navigate online shop.
The Affordable Care Act established a specific time period when you can enroll in health insurance without a qualifying life event. Open Enrollment for 2022 runs through Jan. 15, 2022 in most states.
Outside of Open Enrollment, you can still enroll in health insurance as long as you've had a life-changing event including:
Check out these six steps for enrolling in health insurance.
Compare ACA-compliant health plans from trusted providers now.