Reopening your business? This toolkit could help.

If you own a business with a physical space, you probably have a lot on your mind right now. Reopening your doors will mean navigating a medical, legal and logistical maze. As an advocate for your business, we want to make you aware of a resource that could help.

Return to work site toolkit

This 30-page toolkit was compiled by Lockton, the global independent insurance broker who launched Mylo. Lockton has a team of experts dedicated to empowering companies to make it through the coronavirus crisis. Of course, your business is unique, and your reopening strategy will need to be too. You can use this to think about first steps.

Here’s a quick summary:

1) Determine the federal, state and city guidelines for each of your locations

Across the country, timelines and guidelines for reopening a business vary. Minimize confusion by doing this homework first, especially if you have more than one location that may be subject to different rules.

2) Decide which team members need to return

  • Do you have team members who are rocking it virtually and can continue working at home?

  • If you need to return to normal operations, could you stagger the times people come in so your workplace is less crowded?

  • What about team members who aren’t comfortable returning yet because of childcare or health concerns? It’s a good idea to work with them directly to come up with a solution

  • Is your team the right size for reopening? If you had to lay off employees, you may need to rehire

3) Develop your health and safety plan to protect the public and your team

  • Check out the CDC’s reopening recommendations to figure out what needs to be cleaned and disinfected in your space – and how often. Industry organizations may be able to share guidelines specific to your type of business

  • Reevaluate your traffic flow, lines and seating to ensure team members can follow social distancing guidelines and remain 6’ apart

  • Determine whether you’ll need to make physical changes like adding floor markings, signs or partitions – or improve airflow by increasing ventilation and keeping doors between rooms propped open

  • Discourage team members from unnecessarily sharing supplies and equipment

  • Provide face coverings, gloves or other personal protective equipment (PPE) if your team is required to wear them

  • Determine how you communicate restrictions to your customers and visitors

  • Encourage team members who have symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19 to inform you and self-isolate at home for at least 14 days before returning. Adjust sick time or paid leave policies as needed to encourage safe choices

4) Make a supply list that includes:

  • Cleaning products for disinfecting your space and personal hygiene products such as extra hand sanitizer for your team members

  • Tools and equipment for making physical changes to your worksite

  • Signs to communicate new policies and health/safety concerns. The CDC has posters that are ready to print

5) Update your company’s travel policy

  • The CDC recommends continuing to avoid nonessential travel

  • If you do need to travel, be aware of individual states’ travel bans and guidelines – as well as “hot spots” with large numbers of COVID-19 cases

6) Communicate your plans to your team, customers and partners

  • Anticipate questions your clients and customers may have in your email, social media or other marketing communications. Assure them you have their health and safety in mind

  • Your legal counsel may advise you to have customers and visitors sign a COVID-19 waiver to safeguard your company against lawsuits

  • Share your timeline with your team and train members on new policies and procedures to get everybody on the same page

Ready to get ready? Complete these 6 steps, and you’ll be on your way to reopening responsibly when the time is right. Remember, your industry’s organizations may have more specific advice for you.

Check out the complete return to work toolkit.

As an advocate who believes in your business, we’re sharing resources and guidance that could help you out right now. Because we know you want to do everything you can to save money, we’re also here for you with free quotes that could lower your rates on business insurance (or even improve your coverage). Ask a licensed Mylo agent to review your current policy and try to beat it.

The right coverage for you? Surprisingly simple.