There are 660,755 restaurants in the U.S. today, and none are exactly like yours. (Yay!) We'll equip your franchisees for success with the most personalized protection.
General Liability in case someone gets hurt in your space
Product Liability in case a customer claims your food made them sick
Property in case you're hit by fire, vandalism or other nasty damage
Equipment Breakdown in case your oven or other must-have machinery breaks down
Worker's Comp in case your employees are hurt on the job
Crime in case you have an employee who embezzles from you (yes, that happens)
Find out what coverage makes sense for you!
The overall costs of insuring a restaurant vary, but here's a ballpark. Based on a sampling, coverage usually ranges from $1,105 to $3,883 annually. We'll recommend the right protection for your business, then find you the best possible price.